Thursday, October 7, 2010

More figure studies and catching up

I had clearly underestimated how much information and examples we can find just about everywhere, magazines, comics, manga and the like. I've finally got back the confidence I had lost over the years.

Still need work on a lot of angles that I've always ran away from when I was a kid because I was so lazy to study them. As a kid of 12 years, it was also difficult to make people in class to understand that drawing nude people doesn't mean sex all the time! That was funny though, to see the shocked reactions of classmates.

Looks like everything's coming back, full circle.

This is a page I really liked with all the angles from reference materials

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Skeleton Society (page 5)

In page 5, our pipe-smoking character bolts out of the inn and conflict is avoided (for this time). The group discusses their mixed feelings about meeting her in the first place.

I'm definitely sticking to monocolor for this one. It just adds more of that dark atmosphere.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Skeleton Society (Page 4)

I'd like to thank the folks at for the couple of suggestions. So far, the best is to keep doing it on wc paper and decide later if I want to color it or not. I tried a quick splash of watercolours to some of my storyboards and I also liked how it turned out, but then again, the feel of mono black pen finish also suits to my liking. I like both!

Anyway, here's page 4! Eventually I will have to make a full scan of all pages when I complete them for better viewing online and perhaps publish them online.

It's both a learning experience to me and something I'd like to put on my profile, for future reference as I am always open to the possibility of doing something I really love for a living.

Thanks for stopping by!